Notes on Dictionary Debris
Buy media
perhaps yr right perhaps they won't remember
Buy sell no one's listening
syllables gestures groove lines littering
dictionary debris along all the paths doorways detours
daring clues devouring keys to so many houses
ways in ways out (balances)
a cozy arrangement in the age of words, phrases
shifts in public taste and tolerance for overexposed faces
camouflaged imposter gods
sanities and crazies
beetlestilskin rumple juice is legion
and how art the duck and babies?
Notes on Since the Fakes in Audio Postcard
Upon washing alfalfa's brain call the bored museum
Each silhouette in the Beads of Sweat installation you should carefully count
Onward, sense the negative space amongst the ritual objects
Sense the space the positive parts the exorbitant costs
Truckloads of art heading to castle gates
Sense the fakes the posing potion's high
In audio postcard: camera is America without the eye
-- dr o'dear
Notes on Superobeyonce
oh no, b
another wannabe obi wan kenobe, kemosabe
ya heard right
left eye blind right eyed grape
hit the gas at the hot green light
ageless obscene obeyonce where the roads cross in the
wilderness son, easy bodied beast vipers;
all I can smell is play money
half smoked cigarettes
super obeyonce
a must have add-on app, limited hangout players
marketing brand new bottled fragrances, old favorites, new roots
top ten blondes
in leftover collage: looted paradise,
wolves in sheep satires
new beats, nude leaks exhausted disguises
Notes on Earth Eye & the Reign Drifter
Dig in data mine meta data
get to know everybody better
because answer answer always
Sho nuff
the pangs participate
and issue feedback to the drones
snoozing through alarms
its very touchy but phenomenally cost effective
pimping millions of dummies
Notes on Flo Going With
This tastes really good, no matter the weather, resistance or flow going with
mysterious mastermind's metaphors practiced in space everywhere,
in scents wafting through places where poetry plays dirty and like I done said:
tastes good, especially compared to processed pop star foods,
iambic pentagram masters ping pong pulsing dynastic broods
bearing very good news all the while being smooth.
it's art everlasting inclined outside time
you can count on it and it's awfully funny and well written
if you've upgraded your eyesight and can listen
yule be rolling in the aisles, positively smitten,
gorgeous spread eagle grinning ear to ear posing for pinhole nudes with money making
(Notes on) Gold Boon and Her Unstoppable Dope
Sugar in a space book makes a dazzling doorway,
Extra salt sequenced RNA in the the red hot DNA extra butter
makes a dazzling doorway to gold boon and her unstoppable dope parade
Sugar in a space book purring so tender tough, so sonic coming on with
drug words rug burning in the anytime moonlight day broad lit
sculpting diamonds in the shade pecan and pine parade at the fair Midway
There go all the rides and prizes...
that is to say, how poem cut a hole in time where we merge hand crafted,
veiled in underlined overarching over time oscillations
body art buzzing magnets in the bag
was the word
pretty tough stuff
how poetry works a diamond
pretty touchy stuff
outta sight silent even better multi D sex telepathy
handwritten verses born in a Deep South dream state
or maybe wide awake
are you have you ever been?
hear that earbell lobe
overwritten elemental controls
hear that heavy metal song racing once more
from the beginning right after yr eyes unfroze
We awoke in Electra or Paris myth making legends
red hot and in tune
Prime time women In Los Angeles growing Los Angeles making real dazzling doorways
jonesed for
by the royals and rejects, blue chips to collars, their super transfixed eyes mouths and ears
ignoring all the superSerious poets
Who are only joking
Writing about living in Los Angeles moaning
Growing Los Angeles wings
tasting the TV muse evermore electrified in this thing
this backward masking tv movie with angels in lingerie
brands baring it all makin a buncha dazzling doorways
harmonic balanced brains and booty, a direct line
To gold boon if you can sing too,
Sell everything
at the crosswalk for gold boon and Her
Red hot donut-shaped something-or-others, big blimp masters
Peanut galaxy pimp mastered
But no one knows this?
(Nobody reported) no one noses or notices the distortion (send more)
Smell the coffee and bacons, American creature
The angles of words make many doors with nifty features
And look damn sexy doing it...
The Most Expensive Word in History
by Dan Piepenbring / The Paris Review
Aram Saroyan’s lighght
Notes on Bob Dylan's Jazz Bands
Bob Dylan's jazz band plays music that would make even the biggest somebody change into more, and a large bunch of littlests at that
Get born
blow their horns in their Broadway bodies
Dream singing in way out sunglasses down Pendulum Road where he kissed the girl in the transparent clothes
It was legendary
She was a sweetheart from someplace where they plow and grow cool girls who hate fur coats
Girls who love Lucille Zora Neale & Rimbaud, strange sweethearts in the full color flesh world, sugar bones with unabashed unabated sunburnt backs dashing this way and that,
All along the hills they sing x-rated songs, forwardly flirty hot shots in sunglasses on the hillside,
Sex symbol scenes or Nimble Sweethearts growing warmer getting going as the sun dips down on the turn
She sears in
She starts purring
She sees us bashful things unlearning & sneezes
Love & Rockets: It seems like you are not like the American cowboy...
Notes on Gin (Way More Fun)
Jen inside on the inside jen
The engine is purring
Light bear or lizard thing
Shiny people in shades see further
In every direction
The hottest angels
On the catwalk closer to God's
Whatchamacallit unmentionables
Leading ultimately to secrets
Or at least one
And you're guaranteed the lips telling it
Will be fully insured
-- M-M-M-Monica in the engine room (Way more fun)
Vodka and Lime Juice, Hello
my makeup got all messy, damn.
vodka got in my eyes.
and lime juice, hello.
my eyes, my eyes, burning.
my hair is super wet.
i gotta repaint my nails, okay.
thank you SO much.
Notes on Apple Pi
Who knows how
words make mail udderly feminine
The fox knows
the little chicken
the sphinx nose
the nightly noose
The trixter rabbit with the 14 karats
Fourteen carrots
to be sure
I wrote her a let her
About a cosmic Capri Sun Pentacost maze
littered with kooky computers eyes ears ladybugs
billy goat water gates
Ram for the mouse memory
and apple pi in every window
who knows now but the mouse putting up the flag on the male box
to alert the delivery man
about a love letter called
Adam's apple chakra (get the balance right and blend)
Or, How Words Make Mail Utterly Feminine,
stranger strangest friend
Automat Ons
automatons converted drew in dismantled
brought into the fold made one's own
took over
trap doored homogenized neutralized absorbed
derailed defunded delisted
bought and sold stifled authentic
auto-tuned shit to gold, I mean gold to shit
Notes on Sheep Knew Nothing
Sheep knew nothing counting people
transfixed by fingerprints and flashing lights
retina scanners darkly daring
sheep knew nothing sleeping on their feet
dancing and driving in dreaming
it was risky to wake them
and no one wanted to fake it or halfway fk& betray it neither
Think of all the awards there are for being human
think of all the awards there are for being human
the rewards in paranoia, the strength of organizations, money
(he is the new bewildered opiate and will outlive commodity)
why not? it is necessary and useful to all god poetry committees
is the smell of vast communication through poetry
(what the orgasm must bring)
Your Real Face
This breath may get you accidentally high so get close with the rhythms,
so close you might crawl inside in the shape of a sun licking tongue
attached to a hundred wild fingers
yr on in the shape of your feet in my pockets your real face your lips your real mouth full
of ink, your eyelash dawn
yr on and so close so close
Limited Hangout
All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace
Gene Spicer Recipe (Mix 1 Cup of Necessary)
A breath it will talk, it may bring up the voice box vagina thing
It may if it pleases and it may breathe honestly
It may whistle at a long leg kitty, breathing
In electric light climbing up the green street light lamp
It might also climb a tree an elephant or a billboard and camp
It might whistle some, if you listen,
Hear it pronounce valiantly wooden apple, plum, bluebonnet bath,