In the world of polarities, anytime you rigidly identify with one polarity you strengthen the other.
~ The Saucy See-Saw
In the world of polarities, anytime you rigidly identify with one polarity you strengthen the other.
~ The Saucy See-Saw
Seriously Them
The way They Amber Tamblyn
Poetry Spinach
A Donnean is juiceless in
With a poached energizer and
The loosely Ancylostomatidae
Of a curette
Correctness into
The wormhole.
Jean-Michel Basquiat
I imagine a dancing body
In one deck of playing cards a lifetime concert:
Spanish guitars and stickers, laughing white weeds.
Where this cotton used to be: peanuts.
I am filled with strange blood, I am armed with Bermuda.
Save the fireflies, cut the lights on. What is with these broken wings, this chorus of cordless feet movin the marvelous words pulling weeds:
Irrigation pipes and engines, an intricate pulse-maze.
Where this crop circle used to be: a manger.
I see the song in the flesh, the lightest rug and see-through face; facsimile nation, leash this broken star, enliven graves. What is with this pool of scenery, these symbols and holy human shadows?
What is with this place?
Chris Weige | Somewhere on Earth | Share a key intuit
Mythos in motion
Mix ups over the bad guise
Dust ups in the mind's eye
For each tv party a program
A lozenge flickering light potions
Cures for insomnia
Mend weed water wine & chocolate
Ice cream caramel swirl
Meteor weather music
Hooked on phonics
Sugar speed remembering
How to read
Crystals in the coffee brew bro
Open source code open sewers commode
Dynastic broods brooding down Hollywood Blvd
Counting all the cobwebs collaged
Underground and in the corners
Rats and stars under your feet
Or high overhead I overheard Wall Street
Cashing in while you were sleeping, inebriated,
Passed out at the bar after batting practice.
I heard you bet on both sides and mediated.
Fast cash cactus.
Sweat more newness, sweat sweat cathartic waves, being boundless timeless flames, hot flash, classic drum beats rekindling poetry earth whose soul is unflappable manyverse tumbling toward many whirlpool words who offer ways in, out, up, who build happening cradles for trembling newborn birds
cymbals survive both flood and fire,
a crackling like love, devouring everything, and it fucking hurts.
Sometimes with horses
their bodies can be glimpsed
Circumnavigating nude summer evenings
Sometimes with horses
On which they ride,
their bodies
Circumnavigate winter too
High Noon
Or mid-afternoon also nude and just as tasty
They, their bodies
At leisure at play
Hand painted in primo earth hues
Scrawled words hand prints, bare feet
Bountiful booty galloping golden hooved
Lucky back seat saddle luckier bareback
Booty making Buddha weak kneed
Even fancy, but all too brief.
Curious squares traverse the pyramid projects
Architectural narcotics ignite the harmonic graduates
Wonder aloud
Who stipulates space
Who space stimulates
Mod frequencies on the world stage resonate
Singing for the surface eardrum opus
Accept no substitutes, You,
Fuller across a long river feeding a wasteland
along the altogether handsome sunrise salted and sheeped
Fuller make it loud lattice invade the matrices
It's poetry night, American tongues
My right hand is in yr hair fertilizing what we're all remembering,
what kind of plants what polished stones and scents,
taste of eden garden in the nude outstripping
The honeycomb autos the dangered electric vampires running alongside now
And here told holding glorious invitations
To yr being born being broke
They tried to rewrite it
But i knew they lied hon.
Tumbleweeds long on the wind mindlessly depicted in twenty odd anonymous watercolors by Mr or Miss Somebody who keeps playing it off like it's nothing, just a bunch of lost tumbleweeds wanting a little attention, earning on the side a little money art modeling, and like the rest of them, thirsty and hungry.
Honeysuckle straw
Mor gas, Mor gas
Bending over backwards
Spellbound meat racing remedy veins
Thighs perfect dimples
Candlelit mouth mystery temples
fingers tingle in the
Preheated poems pheromones
Overloading the system either-or
This or that need
shook shook E
Everybody's single
Contradictory suggestion is the basic formula of the daily press.
when I hear your voice I think of wild-eyed nights
hookup flesh when I hear you and when for my lips?
and when for my affectionate skin to smell you on me
I part my mouth when by the neck inches missed an eternity
crying a mostly quiet we are here now just like this
you will write and are writing everyday we wake up
Hum Bar running from the street light shoulders illuminated
By the floating glowing haze elevated some distance
Under the space station
Legs mini blinds out of breath I could hum
I could hear them ankles buzz
Behind the hair drapes
I could smell them fingerprints
Inching down some distance
Over the crown evolved creation
just like that
strutting in
will light up the room
Hear that white hare racing?
The stoned immaculate turtle pacing
The tap dancing material girl neck and neck racing
Monied Maya whose bong is a water slide sponsored by saint fear
or it could be state I hear
That earbell lobe that heavy metal song
Overwritten controls especially sexy baking
Lady Gaga and Mad Donna have the same name thing
Chef Nutella says it's totally crazy
like a virgin produced
in the material world
stuck in the news
enigmatic onion mouth mint every word incredibly say cred
say it
halo hello enigmatic mushroom cap mint everything
damn good de-rut through wild wilderness
what a light damn right
you could
say that again
enigmatic onion-made smell my mouth meant
hot spells incredibly sacred up skirts
spreading thoughts thought aloud into so many mics
etilletas follow the shapes satellite
incredibly sacred dessert
Let your hair grow long tangled DNA circuits
The teeth of a cat, a comb
Untangling cords converting things,
A ball of string and beet roots
Brunettes, reds, blondes
Ph balance on a seesaw wearing nothing...
Dig this new era drop
dig this drop deepened in the chromosomes chromed
in the century illusory if even it is is
divine in lines altering history anytime
this to the dirty love
a time to make right better bruises
by this way inside the megamachine heart’s erotic stain,
atoms opposing the rat race
pulses in portals in season
riding words ever touched among us
digging deeper harmonic let Hers burps,
images, signs stream every rapture
ever smelled among us digging deeper by pisces
after we set free hearts once captured
faces in walls say all true it
and map out all the roots
the sort of thing I usually don’t have time to do…
Chris Weige | Austin | Share a key intuit
My name's good afternoon, great, how's the weather, and you?
And now our country is afraid of our country,
Our youth raped by institutions of learning.
Generations contemplate a labyrinth of illogical, unnatural systems.
What facts have ideas sent, and how did we all forget?
They will stencil new flags on his keynote address, thank you very much,
Asking What does the recordings and what remembered worlds will astonish us?
In the longer demonstration streets, routine protests marching on Calcutta the whole
surging Man: will our replies? wilL our replies be he(A)rd?