if you'd have vacuumed you might've easily found your bearings and your money and probly yr moose. If things had been different the stories woulda all been good.
if you'd have vacuumed you might've easily found your bearings and your money and probly yr moose. If things had been different the stories woulda all been good.
Sometimes when I say I would like that a lot you don’t have to ask me you can just do
Because light speed is the middleman and the mirrors are huge
I'm talking for free
I can't stop myself
& the best play for the stage (ever written) is either losing its sheet music shoes
or finding its audience retuning a tune
giving in to the will of the room and Elvis Hank Aaron who taught me how to write space
poetry with sound and pictures of women.
write it down:
there is no greater threat to the theater than a vile thinker or big burlesque boot.
Inhale a clue, cheesecloth commando,
inhale a clue in the throes deeply into your pot belly floating over snowy roofs,
Throttle yr automatic mouth watering clues,
throttle yr gods, cheesecloth, go south,
go south with,
go wormwood gogo nude in yr limelight knapsack, go acid for the alkaline, pedal to the
metal vamoose,
be crazy about be nuts about be daffy;
be mad for yr sappy pageant
first down goal to go on the two
gogo got it bad and she likes it that way
doll it up,
spruce it up
mend a dragonfly, Serpent Dr
Do supermarket tabloid yarns symbolize a formerly dyslexic Thomas Mapother Cruise
seeing what the heart is?
Im talking for free
I can't help it
Venus is in the news, and Timbuktu
On hop-scotch, drugs and booze.
What good will come to island *yes and the word ocean?
(Enlightened flight attendants: Yr missing an *E)
Hardcore open secrets pleasures born again babes
Buzzcut bare boomerangs heavily breathing
Beauty bumps writhing humming spiraling hardcore
Humming and writhing hanging like smoke
Hangs over a continental lounge in a better era
Deep abiding babes parting curtains letting in large light
Open windows wholesome devices
On shout or on whisper harpy pigtail curses
Saying anything uncensored the dirty day
Can do for me
1977 southampton rose
the club ponied on both sides of the league
it also contributed a lot to charity
and built railway after railway
for the same tender trains
tunneling through The Grand Cornier
Animalia insecta mantidae:
Rhombodera butleri at pray leaf
Genre impromptu
building bridges to worship the moon
over Buck Grove ((iowa, population 49)
The remarkable sound of a fine word
Tingling the body like a drink or drug
Marvelous potions ring ringed ears
Dazzling the seers in the treasury sync.
Weak kneed numb feet and funny elbows
Air hungry on Venus Mount
all woke up handsomer and pretty
rich on cash mattresses
omnipotent hash managers man
who used to be math genies in Electra or Paris
Red hot early adoption man
red hot harp tuned muses strewn about the room
omnipotent ledgers by any measure
myth making legends in a race in a ruse
on timely airwaves off camera off color cues in silence as much as
talking words is hooked on stars purring odyssey
words are hooked in candid pictures potions possibly
in the flesh in saloons cephalopods surrealistic light bods in the park nude
grooving to the barks in the dog park godly crooning in fancy hues
dawning undarking afterglow bruise.
Blissful pry open the dreaming back for wonder talk on edge of pillow, find a way back quick-like by the sounds of what we he she already have had want
and not so long ago brokedown science (rebuilt)
and not so long ago brokedown spirits (rebuilt)
and not so long ago you just forgot the titles
the subconscious curves who can hear it, and to the dons and divas it’s everything wandering through late-night tombs spelling new names, building boats reading runes making rivals
making thunder with garbage can brooms, 88 key recitals
Tree groves true by the tree pile by the road side by the way - who do you think yr talkin to?
Lightning rod moonbeams
In the room with us spinning waitresses wander over
abandoning their appetite stations
buck eyes synthesize experimental writing on drugs
Viral vocal chords that voice liquor
Dollar drinks on the floor
Building beats bumping up on red hot
Bare feet looking for super free
Bacall smoke machines
(Dreams underwear fast fashions trends sexy scents sharing personal data with clicks like drugs buttery hardware happy delicious earth)
Poem glyphs at the locomotive loophole
fuck you bull
free energy
eight seconds in four lines
short straw
on Van Helsing Drive
summoning crooners
You should know
knowing you should know and already do
dawning, undarking on wise minds
disco foil, drugs, the cornerstone story.
Action! Cut.
The rock lava tunnels are superconductive,
the streets alchemical recipes,
encoded philo stone in the think tank drunk
on tectonic phonics and contact languages
overstood by earthworms in symbolist daydreams,
entranced in fancy hues if you wait long enough
your nose will sniff out the ruse,
the masks drop everything and think.
Hear that heavy metal song racing,
hear that earbell lobe overwriting Control,
Newspeak, DoubleThink, forked tongues drugging
drinks, brainwashed by blacklight beasts...
You have ten bags of poetry, broadsides, potions
So put the language where it appears out of sequence
And stop coming up w/ new meanings & substituting facts for feelings
To cover your ass.
Why not instead show some skin & & don't pretend
Why not at least bare the dirt sexy soles of yr feet (everybody win).
Are you in a film or in reality? Are you dreaming or just a dish in someone else's feast?
curtains slide double back
dimensional inter-light
opens electric luminous legs blessed between her
harmony honey
science courses physical fluid
silk such blouses
open seals and lift corresponding windows
dared open
dared noise, nature
energy being between temples with delicious.
Johan Deckmann
Read red wine dope & cheese
Avant garde door prizes
Poem poets awkward underwear
Making things rub each other
Drugged poetry students echo pretty ohs
Fingers and feet at different speeds
Bounce core carrot curly toes triangle
Kissed like the mouth's lips
Like a kitten cleaned
In a letter to the botanist:
art can reflect a genuine and considerable biological adaptation shaped by our
have been clouding the same unconscious audience —
buttered by empty promises, simple desires delusions —
again and again to maintain the narrative
origins of species, origin as in
genetic genesis
fossils of the kind
deeply seated in human nature,
attention rooted in the sense of aesthetic harmony —
attention through these feelings longing —
neurons and deepest nature attempt to make sense of the knee
jerk itself, spin doctors hammer it to get a rise.
The feelings are not only emotional beings but advertising
butter, a rigorous evolutionary experience of the emotion as mere use of signs,
So...Predictable reaction, re-enactment, limits in space for shelves to fit all sizes.
Smashed ladies with the spicy breath slide into cozy booths red like the walls and ceiling like their lips charmers of snakes and feelins and fisher kings hypnotized by sexy steak hot legs turned on by eyelash keys nevertheless in a hot pink dress interconnected cosmic stargazers, middle fingers to the whole fuckin room eyebrow raisers throughout illumined where the hexy hips danced out shadowy shifting shapes by the bonfire where quivering nostrils flared for gold mine mountain air in a luau counting clouds taking them slowly into your mouth working it without a censor...
Quivering eyebrow mountain
shadowy shapes from the fire, sexy steak
nostrils flare working spicy air cruise
Eyelash legs cosmic cloudy mouths
Without a censor
hexy hips slide slowly into yr mouth
hot legs illumine gold mine room
charmers of snakes and feelings
working it until it blisters
Blunt tweeting shroom under the bubblegum bridge,
light gears chasing charms, flavors flesh-sexy in silence as much as talking,
human verb here rubbing the racing interface, illumination radars:
blue dream, grape kush, sour diesel, say, to the mainline human humming
In that ear globe, overwriting controls over biting taste, replacing drugs with cake
cake with drugs fakes with original models and makes;
a company takeover floods the body with blood conjuring typewriters and telephone
flood fancies
many verses fire winged wiring
Trips to memory island
My So Called Band is opening for The Fuck This at Emo's on Saturday, part of the crowdfunded Good/Evil/OD Fest of which ya heard, no doubt. Prepare for blunt tweeting, sexy humans dancing flesh, grape kush blue dreaming, slick photogenic outta sight everything serving messages, a process, a musical farce, circle drums, drama, hip hot watered down diluted jam master bait, fake street art sweethearts and romantic brand ruses. Come on, get wet. There will be bubbles. Jonesing air waves, exposure, unofficial everything. Swaying excitedly, hypnotized body paint, red hot old hat ostriches sniffing glue (who over inhale it...like swallowing your money to save it).
"There won't be a charge but there will be a fee." - Brian S. Wah
Neandertal tongue at half past midnight, trick pricked all bridled on broken stars, stool rats and the aw shucks Sahara stocking acid rain lasers manufactured abroad by Lazarus Inc which may or may not be a front, a mirage, a casino, a fully functional bunker with two lane highways and traffic lights, the whole kitchen sync.
Think about the words just for the hell of it the systems, a few forked tongues with misplaced ambitions, who said they shot blanks but we smell victims hooked on the broadcast mediums, swallowing sWords, spells baked by drones anchoring enterprises playing with erasers and a ton of young skin, emotional resonance
traded on the nose on the #NYSE for the wizard of lozenges
In: fighting over nothing
in: a game no one wins
Twisted peppermint tweet grass
uber facts an attention revival
uber facts semper ubi sub ubi
orizabus subaziro Fab Four ubi sub ubi umbra
as a matter of fact, y'all
hot spells made onomatopoeias, orgasms
spread leg shapes, shadows, hot buttered lip
cinema psychic rhythms rigged naked ribs
with dips and chips, marijuana cookies, rum and soda cake,
to celebrate cigarettes and sonnets
threw all the poetry magazines into the fireplace
(Lit / Baked / WB Yeast)