Pretty tough stuff
How poetry works a diamond
Pretty touchy stuff
Rats, Stars, Stars
Odyssey purring poem
Words - how the mechanic's mind
Is hooked on subconscious
Stars who were the first text
Starry eyed story lined starlines
Impulses subconscious
Now Gutenberg Galaxy in Hollywood space
Silence as much as talking taking everything
Into poetry place.
Bern Porter Found Poems
Notes on their afterglow
Fantastic otherworldly poses made of delicious living bodies. Strange rivers of close-up pictures of nature. Lovers report to the scene in the flesh everywhere exploiting their discoveries & trying on favors. Depth flourishing in salons & saloons. Surrealistic social types gathering light gear heading toward the park in the nude. Moody way the spells shadows cast, brooding buoyant nudes diffused, distorted, pieced back together in glue glued together gold.
Their afterglow swept through politics and the world everywhere revealed how they felt.
Far reaching innovations triumphed, equal to painting and sculpture, by common order uncommonly known insights
Sexual and social common methods, similar magic uncommonly vexing masters of erotic mysteries. Sorcery. Potions. Positions
(Had been laid
And on the way to the lobby)
Notes on My Left Dimple
Out of body experiences
A guy squatting, ashing his cigarette into his boot
A dopamine junky doing the weather
Vociferous limestone
These concepts constitute essence
Every rock of earth glows (clues to their origin)
Snakes, extreme cold, lack of food, noise, crowding, crowdfunded extreme heat, man to man defense
Chat show shit amusement park full of broken parts
The last known copy of 'My Left Dimple' (by Sarah)
A few dozen failed start-ups and thousands of used computer parts
For a Woman Involved: Clitoral Tuning
Nobody Know What Got Into Mr. Somebody's Name
Nobody Know What Got Into the Breadcrumb Map
Chill, NAFTA that, Nap
Bug paw in the raw hand
bug paw in the raw hand
Outright that place goes yes
declares vitality achieved
the modern end as told through the human body
which fancies thinks and feels itself for the first time
the form of life’s story is offered and worth a bid -
how here born among the absurd where selfish death is inexplicable
look for it bear it in seasons what Man remembers
and further by it seeks new adventures
mythopoetic mentality, atomic people
and however formed the words will be modern matter
always shown increasing blood flow to the heart warming extremities
sure…and the Texans will take notes talking strange brew in rhythm
well chosen top of the line good stuff - that’s why we stay -
this is lux emerging from the crystal decanter n’
we have them curious looks - I’m living here now smoking — cheerfully smoking the next word out
drawing up a list for the street (it can hear)…there is a crowd outside who made up today a holiday
if you wanna bite of bright sunshine moonlight -
we’re supposed to
was told you might…look, this ain’t - I mean, you could leave
on the way outta sight…
Chris Weige | Texas | 2006
Poets Postcards
Notes on Um, Movers & Shakers, Inc
Um, Movers & Shakers, Inc
Rise Lazarus lasers
Circle gets a square off
For the movers & shakers
Eden ankh ontological favors
Phoenicians in plain sight
Schware an egger
The Shakey myth: Groundhog Loop,
A Book of Clews
By Horseplay
No Please No Prudes
No Please No Prudes
when toes toast i focus on butterfly superman
discotheque saab superman in the crazy outfit
he who throws cars and has the strength of several armies
don't ask him to demonstrate don't (!)
he will demand a lot of money and then tell you no
he's real close with the researchers and persuasive pimps
vampire storytellers and all the afterparty door dudes
prom queens and
even a man who taught a fish to cuss
tonight's theme is about slaves and it's very touchy
confidentiality is a must
nobody get punchy. no please no prudes.
hope, sex, sleaze and grace
thx for the change
Notes on Primo in the Lips de Alba
I let the stoned calico cat through the door, wantonly telephoto in all his contradictory parallax nonsense, he eats a block of dense amber cheese.
he tells me to write some poetry now telepathically daydreamed devotedly lapping alba, spooning up alba, watching her lips wrap around a roach or a shower scene,
spooning up alba landless with a roach in the lips of alba
alba swimming in, a waltzer pornographically filthy poetry
Notes on The Saucy Super Brain
The Saucy Super-Brain
The super brain is wrapped in a world of sound ((itmakesitsown)
bridges the subconscious with meditative brainwave tools and gorgeous Brigittes
Sometimes it is dark and secret change, older intelligence formulating future technological frequency waves.
Sometimes it is gargantuan light-life reprogramming the optimal eye and mental mindset like a lover or A SEXY spy.
Wherever we have been was dis-covered
and made change advance however cluttered, circumspect,
binaural, benign, besieged or perplexed,
However transformable and free
the wonders are of the self-built now in the super saw-see,
however go the signs, however lost or found we find
we get around, we get around down up out and in,
get get made gargantuan signs around
old super and the super saw-see
mental metaphysical intelligence
cellular memory in the sometimes superbrain
we go to town in waves
we have the mindset
we go to town where secrets
are discovered
and sometimes the wonders
of the whatever wherever now
however saucy or perplexed
advances in brain reprogramming F/X
makes its own future with transformable sound
waves w/ balances and checks.
spice flow pulse
oh bulbous booty belong
Notes on what the butler saw
what the butler saw:
a traveler sought a meeting for use in the present
and in future catalogs and museums.
into the mouth he peered and examined speaking distance
and with that did he then emanated and vanished right there in the room.
a few footsteps away was a door that reflected things. it said Be Good.
the joints were encoded experience machines.
They almost ran outta coax.
They almost ran outta coax.
The guy living in a house made of license plates knows this.
He caught lightning in a mason jar.
So the middle men trash off, disinter-mediate.
He'd vowed to divulge the sled and proved he wasn't yella.
Believe it you. DNA talk became him.
It came on shout that Nam Repus invaded,
That furthermore Nam Repus replicated.
Just like the last damn time: Pringles is the new Prince and Daniel Day is The Wiz.
Key next issues: Hear are the head lines
That are making noose a head:
The King of Pop is over the counter (these are facts)
Magic Jackson, Magic Fox. Deep Magic Chopra.
Knock need cobra.
Tock show royalty, or so it appeared all over, talck show rhythms top of all that fear, furrowed worries over ad rates for a show about a pesophile pope, obsidian satellites, and fake celebrity beards ...
Notes on Axis Mundi in the Mass Memescape
Chrome ate the original jazz batting averages.
How can we best prepare and improve?
In the mass memescape allergic to news
And all the high dollar schools
Wired to the script anyway.
Tesla thinks this is kinky.
He buried his teeth at crossroad passages
under a particular street
Populated by expensive suits,
So no worry no freak he swore on a pinky
Notes on General Ifzandzerbutz
Dontsche See
Ifzandzerbutz & the Loophole Kings
By Thad Payne & Buck Putz
Hold me for yr mouth
Linguist tongue just glow in and guide on backward English, hold me for yr mouth. Nude under yr fingerprints, applesauce in the curve of yr mirror. One & then another bare leg a casual place. Kiss this rolling slow soft ignition. The Clitoral Hood. We may have visions. Revel in every ear ever raw rich and hot, sewing things, making adult tapes, leaking the news. A synopsis of the plot.
The Feel of Her (Insert)
Her swollen throbbing clit, or Us
Vulgar in Yr Arms, Yr Sensitive Anus
Here is a simple orgasm and how
To break a bed.
Notes on Her Almighty Bikini Boner Babes on the Promenade
Her almighty
Wrecks the few re legions left
With the supersecret reality butter
Few reality tv's get the groove on shredded reality cheese
Lined up round the corner begging for grease
Bring on the big dinosaur bird, cave man;
Make more movies about vampires, vultures & zombies
Bikini boner babes on the promenade pimp slap culture,
Pretty puckered girl on girl covers
Accidentally licensed sex tapes
Of fake liars & lovers
Her almighty
Wrecks the stage
& not a minute too late...
They Was Young & Cool Once
they was young and cool once
very pepper machine in a spicy limousine, very expensive.
now, she'd rather not think about all the cement and fences...
the crowds downtown hover in front of vacant businesses
TY Gwendolyn Brooks)))
Title something COLANDER
Title Something COLANDER:
i wrote a script and in this script about me writing a script a script wrote me. i figure this out about halfway through (the movie).
I wrote a sequel.
Wild Horses of Fire: Fascist Groove Thang Exercise
note: Wild HOrses of Fire : Fascist Groove Thang Exercise...
Fascist Groove Thang Exercise
any way you wish:
arise ears superpowered in position
somewhere out there is nowhere noise
secrets some where dense
some where know there are heads wearing foil
children playing with fire near the fence
Let it sync in a thousand times significant
though once apparently diminished
get used to it, adjust a turn of phrase
in the puzzle mind maze
where the haves are not surprised
and on only rare occasions act phased
okay okay open yr eyes
is what is, applesauce,
okay okay declassified
we creation's clock-wise consumers
turn our heads and pretend to study
while hypnotized pretending to drive
from one line stubborn to the next alongside
half asleep playing games, making random appearances
on the inside track to easy fame;
It breaks a certain mold when you're everywhere at once
and quick like a beast with yr bought and sold
but they keep playing dirty
with vast intelligence and means,
they do things I can't repeat
with words and hair (they are impossible madmen!)
it isn't enough to say they cheat
for what they compete is complex, high-end,
and who might you, listening like an ear, be?
go go raise your stop now, prove your groove and relate
on the steamy window your initials with an index finger date
or with shoeless sockless foot draw a smile as wide as your waist
with your naked big toe give it eyes, a nose, a face.
have you heard that funky fascist thang?
it's all over the news with old gimmicks and lame fakes
it's extremely watergate with vintage nudes
and people pretending to be cynics, experts in on the take.
history repeats this power in passing out the tricks or treats
it's extremely high tech and especially cool disguised
in good-time dancing, flying bird man flu, the latest fashions, expensive shoes.
so move your nearly fascist thang, history girl;
europe's in yr soul (let's go to war)
on sweat on fun on boredom.
we elect fascist reagans anyway, or so they say, reagents, and democrats who can't even dance
who have had no funky grab ass with the hot population
i move to shake the stuff, power across the landgod
don't fascist dance
don't fascist cake
still free
to tell it all between commercials...