He Had Sweat and Bedpost Spasm
Cut-Up / Remix
inspired by Alchymical Romance by Lee Battersby
he had she
he had sweat and bedpost spasm
he had nostrils where they count most
she'd had he before she'd gone
entering the long orgasm
with a ripple of sensational ghosts
he moaned, then
his eyes crisscrossed
and his curls toed
she'd had him and he'd swung open
unexpectantly peering at the nothing weeds
and the nothing stars
into the dark warm mirrorheart
he paused to palm her burnished bronze
it was soft
Please Come Supernaturally Loud
Cut-Up / Remix
inspired by Alchymical Romance by Lee Battersby + AR baum-bastic mix by Matthew Lowe
please come supernaturally loud
please the animal be
put a finger on the skin
warm and sticky
then without a word
whirr and spark
oh god
oh god!
Superhuman Tongues with No Sense of Shame
Cut-Up / Remix
inspired by Alchymical Romance by Lee Battersby + AR Gender Exchange Remix by Sarah Xu
superhuman tongues with no sense of shame
decide to follow the headlights forever
they lick the slick oncoming lanes,
assorted bottles, rainbow dirt, cappuccino sugar cane
you've changed, one says to another
you don't any longer feel a thing
i'm sorry
drugs, clocks, blades or fluids caused it
or the empty nothing deadening everything it touched
today, however, the driveway doorway porch
has upon it a cardboard box which contains a lamp
or surely something better than money by much
a suntanned lamp held together with honey
a new wave hard-won torch or tether
an angel-winged tramp.
Reckon Remixes Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share alike 3.0
Download the electronic version of Through the Clock’s Workings and start remixing. The entire anthology can be remixed - the original stories, the remixes, and even the fonts.
Remix My Lit is a Brisbane based, international remixable literature project. The project aims to apply the lessons learned from music and film remixing to literature. It is designed to explore where remix fits into literature. It will provide a space within the discipline to encourage and foster a community and culture of remix.