ickshun stokes met a muse in a black and white photo series
ickshun stokes met a muse in a black and white photo series
Scenic highway images
in audio postcard: camera is america without the 'i'
Buttery hardware rolling papers
Or a big bad blunt off the back of a book
Phenomenal hotshot. Onionshit know-how savvy.
It's a deal me too sure thing. I'll drink to that I hear you. I am right there with you & like you say, 'Groovy all the way gravy.'
Good, adored omnipotent hash, the honored to-hell-with-it, sympathetic ink in the business of two way mirrors, metaphysical hoohah whose tongue taste good. Ten veiled subplots transfused.
Water conducts electricity.
This one's called 'Lawnmowing'
Superfluous superflow & the masterfully cut post-punk professor. Super fucking flow easy enamel radio, amorous grading curves at the midterm kundalini release party. When the kundalini drops.
Puppetfucking 101. A chalkboard or an easel. Bring it.
Syllabus (overheard at marijuana crosswalk):
Notions Function, Voices Carry Syllables
Is that an American accent? Ha. He is a great actor...fuckin TV actor.
PBS show about birds, homely pigeons, and a televised parade hosted by Jon Lovitz & Jewel at the Bering Strait. Homing pidgens.
Six Trojan horses on a high wire (Le Penetrations)
A movie about a teller (called Teller)
A movie about a guy who fixes flats (called Flats)
Some goddamn delicious beef jerky from TX where it smells like rain but it's sunny (and very expensive)
Meteor mouth kid in a green lawn chair
Watercolor sunrise
A hundred pillows in the shape of a spoon
Watercolor foot through watercolor window
Do you have another paintbrush?
Watercolor breast knee belly button fig leaf
A hand painted sign: Eve saw hot holes in Stonehenge
Watercolor telepath hot spy cider
The water in El Paso is laced with lithium
Dandelions vomit diamonds.
Tease apart, loosen, vexer.
Wind up arouse excite rip up shred.
Tantalize with bait rally ride, coquette.
Pester beleaguer razz ribbing brush,
Vamper fluff tan taunting teaser!
To sneeze with toothpaste in yr mouth
Is a thing not good or
Is not a good thing,
(Is not cool),
And salt is good, bad, indifferent.
- Chron Kite
In Square Park holding up all the mouths
In the long global war on caricatures,
Spooky ghost characters, reptilian cyborgs
In the cinema, on the poor poor and the bored
Leafed clovers clearly
Everything is over control,
- Big Chief Tablet
Oh, serendipity. We get to travel all over the world on NBC's nickel, staying in hotels, hot tubs, bar light lit reading Gideon's Bible.
- the frequency, Dan, is CLINT.
CBS is coded bullshit
- is good, and says hello...I'll tell her you called
(Or pretended to)
Funky night so feed that eye
Immense immanence cue the pictures
Most obvious, most obvious
categories multi-function medias,
every greener meanwhile,
most obvious, most obvious
all over the networks are rising
and with what soul .....??.????
think sticks, democracy doo-doo
do you do you fulfill ambitions and think things thru?
confront do this do that photograph
yes hello?
tonic when you wednesday wednesday
did it ever occur?
it's official!
duality, primary data meta matter in one vertical modelspace, elation...dominating the core our elements found elation, emotional molecules within meta matter major's thrilling summations, lunar lexical impacts on our super structures...impacts within the modelspace, and also fashion...meta minor magistrates modified criteria magnified by the coming and going lexical events (referring to the given active vertical set, impact formation, participating data, tongues)...these as we as then timeless going on and on and on absentia...
[nice legs can always sell a house]
No clue
enticing hands made her collage nice magic
cloudy creatures were licking spicy spines
twice she gave them salt to calm their nerves
she shared stories about her favorite chemicals
she taught them how to talk to birds
oh nice legs can always sell a house
her cool bare calf has some nerve
but nowhere near as much as her fleshy mouth
...going on about bedsheets and foundations
catch her hands walking along the lamp
licking her magic scissorlips smiling and
twice lighting fire to her tires
cool drool meat carefully cooking chemical nerves
wet smelling mouth on the magic lamp
perverse, went off with coffee
see carefully the fibres in the lamp nerve
see carefully a collage of hands spanking bare maria mouth
who tastes a little salt fruit fleshy, wet and always licking
where the raw flesh has fire fever
see the fibres in the lamp nerve
see carefully magic scissor meat hands feeling up perverse clouds on bedsheets making nice with her legs and feelings
(In bizdev)
James Frank’s email on mules.
Re Member Aphro Diet Apocalypse...
Know alcohol now
And Write like it's a note
The soul too could write
Would read when asked
Wondered how to be written
While you slept
On the poetry
stoned prose models re-membered the lines
(It's Kafka smiling.
The code breaks.)
Abstract whatchamacallits
Dancing & fucking & fighting.
Beer spotted striped ciphers,
Pills, herbs, powdered shakes.
Starvation, or How to Lose Weight.
Who knows what else?
Blood samples from the whole place,
Hocus pocus Plantagenet,
Goldilocks & the first saint
Nice elbows all overbooked
Under looking the over standers.
They were living in mines.
They are living in minds,
Color TV radio & flashlights,
Double D batteries
Bee hives.
Typewriter sounds and see/through panties.
You're a way out beast,
The nipple said.
A good idea or bump on the head,
An adaptive fully customizable mobile feast.
The nipple sings. It's very good.
(Tres bien)
- drugs?
While we were breaking things
While we were getting high on the pretty face
In the parking lot imitation cigarettes
hey zeus
the mayor’s name is will wynn;
will powers the university president
i feel you
and the old men;
power beasts, go
adjoin wills and our estate
and in fits convey to all those who can hear and are majestic
convey herein a big commotion humbly endured and artfully tested;
sogo on majestic beasts
endure your own lunatic gods and creeps
enchant the impaired the world
is not weak and not so easily taken
by a head full of jewels worshipping steps so steep
the truth becomes a lie burning leaves.
furthermore and truly,
things to do
We built this simple yet unexplainable abstract mechanism.
We built this dandelion wire so complex it can't be told.
It is ancient superfuture audiovisual.
A play-by-play of the country, of city life, core, crust, and mantle.
Here hard world between each word vaguely situated uneasy forms come into focus, and then easier energies fill the letters who make worlds and anthems retro-real & modern. And then the once scary ones become sexy, the old junk becomes art.
Sense the space, the parts, the rooms chock full of ritual objects. Real magic writ large with firewater and eye, writ large in keeping faithful in covering the grid and columns which are certainly cracked,
where on the inside some name or another is etched & from thin air always a spiral.
Pop culture is the good book gravitas, a metaphor collage in a stand-off production bearing super-sly titles, hiding whitewashed sarcophagi and dancing skulls full of flowers, conscious
beyond words comes the poetry human
Lusting twisting chanting,
floating a bit then pounding that fist into the ferociously complex ground. Doesn't it turn you on something fierce, unruly as a god?
Readers draw in poetry like the odd song that really gives you the shivers and goosebumps, and what language usually wants language usually gets.
One poetic reality inspires another to conceive and shift the poem because we tend toward wisdom and secrets, we lust and as readers get high on the music. In imagined social poetry our moods and nature are enthusiastic because words are life.
It's the same old Soma, same-o what the elders told ya.
The pulse takes the Neolithic receptors to India where revolution is more than a number. And on the tea dawn acts like agriculture another pulse created. Out high might highly reassess consciousness, fashions, knowledge kneeling with dawn under venerated verb, vine, organic herb and umbrella.
In brain as in India: the is of agriculture, or curing of the states.
A tranquilizer split in half for society's swerving nerves.
Words on the make.
On the make: words.
Shiny begins to elaborate...