They almost ran outta coax.
The guy living in a house made of license plates knows this.
He caught lightning in a mason jar.
So the middle men trash off, disinter-mediate.
He'd vowed to divulge the sled and proved he wasn't yella.
Believe it you. DNA talk became him.
It came on shout that Nam Repus invaded,
That furthermore Nam Repus replicated.
Just like the last damn time: Pringles is the new Prince and Daniel Day is The Wiz.
Key next issues: Hear are the head lines
That are making noose a head:
The King of Pop is over the counter (these are facts)
Magic Jackson, Magic Fox. Deep Magic Chopra.
Knock need cobra.
Tock show royalty, or so it appeared all over, talck show rhythms top of all that fear, furrowed worries over ad rates for a show about a pesophile pope, obsidian satellites, and fake celebrity beards ...